17 03, 2020

How to have hope and courage during a pandemic of fear


You are not a product of your circumstances. You are a product of your decisions. Just like most of you, we’re all experiencing some emotional and mental whiplash from the last few weeks. The Coronavirus is gripping the world's attention and rapidly changing the way all of us live and do business. It’s no longer [...]

How to have hope and courage during a pandemic of fear2020-03-17T10:24:08+00:00
28 03, 2019

Being Proactive is Key to Self-Leadership


You choose how you approach life. By choosing to be proactive, you will significantly impact the life you will have. If you’re proactive, you focus on preparing. If you’re reactive, you end up focusing on repairing. Most of us have high hopes of accomplishing something important in life, perhaps creating some sort of legacy [...]

Being Proactive is Key to Self-Leadership2021-11-03T10:01:37+00:00