20 03, 2018

First, let me finish. Then interrupt.


One of the most common complaints we hear has to with something that is so fundamentally a part of the modern workplace, it’s almost impossible to avoid. In fact, we all have to deal with it. Yes, I’m talking about the dreaded interruption. Here are a few suggestions about managing and minimizing workplace interruptions. Stop [...]

First, let me finish. Then interrupt.2019-01-10T18:56:28+00:00
27 09, 2017

What can an old farmer teach you about goals?


Once, an old farmer was known around town for being exceptionally good at making sure the furrows in his field were absolutely straight. One day, a young man asked the farmer to tell him his secret. The old farmer quietly explained that, while plowing each row, he picked some sort of object, like a tree, [...]

What can an old farmer teach you about goals?2019-01-10T18:56:37+00:00