4 10, 2016

Discovering your Why Statement: When the why is clear, the how is easy


If you’re like most PlanPlus Online Essentials customers, every day of the week there are vitally important things you want to do—and yet, you’re just not getting to them. Good thing for you, discovering your mission statement will help you accomplish these things. Here are some of the reasons people choose PlanPlus Online Essentials—do [...]

Discovering your Why Statement: When the why is clear, the how is easy2022-10-21T10:27:44+00:00
30 09, 2015

Release 159: We are keeping you on your toes with improvement!


It's an exciting time over here at PlanPlus Online. We want to bring you another update on what we've been doing to keep making your experience with us better. We've done a number of new features and enhancements to make PlanPlus Online the best custom CRM on the market. We strive to make our customers [...]

Release 159: We are keeping you on your toes with improvement!2019-01-10T18:57:00+00:00
8 04, 2011

Productivity, Efficiency, Effectiveness: What’s the difference?


The terms productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness are often used as synonyms in casual conversation and by many managers. However, there's a big difference in the results that are achieved by maximizing each of these measurements. Productivity Productivity is technically regarded as a measure of Outputs divided by Inputs. All of the activities that you get [...]

Productivity, Efficiency, Effectiveness: What’s the difference?2019-04-05T14:28:15+00:00