2 05, 2016

Every minute you spend in planning saves ten minutes in execution


“Every minute you spend in planning saves ten minutes in execution,” claims Brian Tracy. We agree completely! Even if you consistently work harder than everyone you know, if you’re not working on the smartest, highest-leverage tasks, you’re not going to be as productive as someone who works half as much as you! When you put [...]

Every minute you spend in planning saves ten minutes in execution2024-05-28T15:07:14+00:00
31 03, 2016

Make this the turning point of your life


“Big doors swing on small hinges.” Sometimes, it’s the small things in life that can result in the biggest changes in life’s direction. One of the most effective things you can do for your life is to uncover your mission. It’s a small thing that consistently produces big results. With the world constantly changing and [...]

Make this the turning point of your life2020-12-19T08:35:09+00:00
9 02, 2016

The habits of highly inefficient adults


When I was little, mom said she knew I was lying because a red dot would appear on my forehead. It took years before I realized it wasn’t the red dot, but my attempts to hide my forehead, that clued-in my mother. Maybe when you were young, you were told things like: Don’t play in [...]

The habits of highly inefficient adults2019-04-23T09:00:29+00:00
13 01, 2015

7 Costly Mistakes in Sales Forecasting


With the arrival of another new year, many companies are already tracking their sales results against annual sales forecasts. Inevitably, some will discover that their sales results are not measuring up to the quotas and outcomes that they expected. Of course, conditions in the marketplace and customer behavior often dictate sales success or failure, but [...]

7 Costly Mistakes in Sales Forecasting2019-01-10T18:57:07+00:00
5 08, 2014

What Does CRM Software Have to Do with Organizational Culture?


Organizational culture can be difficult to define because its meanings and varieties can be as numerous as the companies that exhibit it. In the most general sense, however, organizational culture represents our group behavior and our shared values. It drives the way that we interact within an organization and the way we interact with external [...]

What Does CRM Software Have to Do with Organizational Culture?2019-01-10T18:57:11+00:00
29 07, 2014

The Wrong Way to Use Goals


I'm a huge advocate of goals! Goals have tremendous power. In fact, goals have the power to focus the potential of mankind. Goals have the potential to send a man to the moon, to cure cancer, and to change lives. Unfortunately, in much the same way that nuclear power can be used to power cities or [...]

The Wrong Way to Use Goals2019-01-10T18:57:11+00:00
15 07, 2014

What Are Your Habits Turning You Into?


The habits you develop can have a huge impact on virtually everything in your life--including what you have, what you become, and the company you keep. Developing good habits can help you make positive changes in your life, and it can make a difference in how you perceive others, tackle challenges, and accomplish goals. When [...]

What Are Your Habits Turning You Into?2019-01-10T18:57:12+00:00
8 07, 2014

Time Management Tips – Say No to Say Yes


Productivity is the buzz word of the business world. While it is something the average employee works toward, it can often be confused with simply being busy. Busying oneself with extraneous tasks does nothing to help the company go forward and may actually hold it back from real growth. There are few key elements of [...]

Time Management Tips – Say No to Say Yes2019-01-10T18:57:12+00:00
24 06, 2014

The 5 Building Blocks of Culture


In most businesses today, everyone is familiar with the concept of “Culture” but very few people understand how a culture develops in an organization. While every company has a culture, very few organizations are proactively building a culture based on intention. You need building blocks of culture to enhance productivity in the workplace.  The [...]

The 5 Building Blocks of Culture2023-12-06T14:47:20+00:00
16 04, 2014

Culture of Productivity: How to Build and Develop it


How do you go about building a culture of productivity? Culture is traditionally defined as the beliefs, manners, rituals, customs, institutions, arts, and achievements of a specific society. When you think about culture, you likely think of countries with rich histories, elaborate traditional clothing, and unique religious rituals, but did you know that companies have [...]

Culture of Productivity: How to Build and Develop it2019-03-28T20:25:56+00:00
7 04, 2014

Springtime Goals and New Beginnings


It’s already April and spring is right around the corner… This week is the perfect time to reflect on the progress of our New Year’s Resolutions and goals for 2014. Over the past few months, many of us have drifted, forgotten about, or maybe even given up on our New Year’s Resolutions and goals for [...]

Springtime Goals and New Beginnings2019-01-10T18:57:15+00:00
3 02, 2014

Progressive Goal Planning™ Part Two: Applications of Progressive Goal Planning


Progressive Goal Planning in a Company Setting Progressive Goal Planning can be used as a way to describe your company's approach to goal setting on an individual, departmental, or company-wide basis. Progressive Goal Planning sets the tone for frequent and successful goal campaigns. It sets the tone for individual and personal engagement in goals. It [...]

Progressive Goal Planning™ Part Two: Applications of Progressive Goal Planning2019-03-18T12:28:39+00:00