8 03, 2018

The easy and effective way to create an ideal customer profile


One of the keys to growing your sales is to figure out exactly who you're selling to and who are your best customers. If you focus on selling to more ideal customers and less to non-ideal customers you'll be more effective in your selling and you'll have better results. If you're like most people, this [...]

The easy and effective way to create an ideal customer profile2019-01-10T18:56:29+00:00
11 01, 2018

Hot or Not? An introduction to lead scoring.


You only have so many hours in a day, so your sales team should focus on the best leads. A core principle of effectiveness is based on the idea that there’s just not enough time to do everything that you want to, so you must prioritize your activities based on which ones will get you [...]

Hot or Not? An introduction to lead scoring.2019-01-10T18:56:33+00:00
9 11, 2017

You know you need a process… now what?


If you're aware that your business could use a process, such as a sales process, and you're sure that technology, such as a CRM, could be the answer, you need to pause first. Before you make that leap to technology, start with two essential low-tech tools. Let me explain... Many times, when we find an [...]

You know you need a process… now what?2020-10-27T10:10:48+00:00
1 11, 2017

The process of making processes


Let me share with you a piece of time-saving and frustration-eliminating advice: You need to establish and write down the process you use for everything you do more than twice. In fact, you need a process for making processes! For example: Have you ever had to listen to yourself repeat the same instructions over again [...]

The process of making processes2019-01-10T18:56:34+00:00
26 10, 2017

3 steps to reaching the top


Mountain climbers have known it all along: Reaching the top involves performing three steps over and over again. These are the same steps that will help you implement and manage change in your company. Not far from our downtown Salt Lake City offices are the Wasatch Mountains that offer world-class skiing and several of [...]

3 steps to reaching the top2019-01-10T18:56:35+00:00
4 10, 2017

Why you need a centralized database to be successful


If you are part of a growing company, you need a centralized database to be successful. There are many reasons that you might decide you’re ready for a centralized database and many benefits that you’ll get out of having one. You’ll be able to: Find information more quickly. Simplify your IT infrastructure. Have more accurate [...]

Why you need a centralized database to be successful2019-01-10T18:56:36+00:00
28 09, 2017

Is scope creep sabotaging your project success?


Scope creep can sneak up, morph, and destroy a project. Here’s how it occurs, and how to keep it at bay. Have you ever had a project that seems to be getting bigger all the time? At first it was manageable, but now it seems that everything, including the kitchen sink, has been tossed in? [...]

Is scope creep sabotaging your project success?2019-01-10T18:56:37+00:00
20 09, 2017

Create a culture of Assertive Respectful communication


Effective communication is the real work of leadership—and a skill you can learn. Learning how to engage Assertive Respectful communication will improve every aspect of your life. Do you have any processes that aren’t yielding the results you were hoping for? Most of us do, right? S0, what do you do about it? Is it [...]

Create a culture of Assertive Respectful communication2019-01-10T18:56:37+00:00
13 09, 2017

How identifying Opportunities, Dangers, and Interesting Points will help you succeed with change


Every change, large or small, presents known and unknown opportunities and dangers. If you’re currently leading an organization or team through a change, being able to identify and articulate these opportunities and dangers is essential. How do you go about identifying these? By working with your group on an ODI list. With an ODI list, [...]

How identifying Opportunities, Dangers, and Interesting Points will help you succeed with change2019-01-10T18:56:37+00:00
6 09, 2017

What’s a Process Culture, why you need it, how to get it


What happens when everyday, every employee’s behavior, attitude, and practices bring you closer to your strategic objectives? Then you have a “Process Culture.” Here are the 5 ways you can develop your Process Culture. What's a Process Culture? If you’ve ever had a Big Mac at McDonald's, you’ve probably noticed it tastes the same whether [...]

What’s a Process Culture, why you need it, how to get it2019-01-10T18:56:38+00:00
30 08, 2017

4 Key Steps to Change Management


Good business process management involves ensuring that the good idea behind a change initiative or improvement is translated to employees, and their work, once the change is in place. Let’s try an experiment: Pick up a pen or pencil with your dominant hand—for example, if you’re right-handed, use your right hand. For the next 10 [...]

4 Key Steps to Change Management2019-01-10T18:56:38+00:00
23 08, 2017

How to create concise and clear process instructions


Over the past few years, we’ve purchased furniture from various retailers. I mean the type of furniture that comes in boxes with nuts and bolts and tools—and if you’re lucky—with instructions. We’ve had wonderful experiences where it  comes out right, and horrible ones when it takes much longer than it’s supposed to—often requiring reassembly at [...]

How to create concise and clear process instructions2019-01-10T18:56:39+00:00