8 05, 2019

Where’d the Big Rocks go?


You’ve probably noticed something’s different in your PlanPlus Online account! We’re excited to share some of our recent changes with you. In an effort to best align your productivity with purpose, we recently replaced each role's "big rock", with weekly goals! Big Rocks have always been a metaphor for Weekly Goals and since we’ve added [...]

Where’d the Big Rocks go?2019-05-08T13:32:41+00:00
19 10, 2016

Weekly Planning: How to Take Control of and Rock your Week!


The Importance of Weekly Planning and Scheduling Realize it or not, your week has rocks—big ones, small ones, and even some sand and water! “Rocks” are a metaphor for the biggest priorities of the week. (See The Story of the Big Rocks in the sidebar and how it relates to weekly planning.) In both [...]

Weekly Planning: How to Take Control of and Rock your Week!2019-03-22T16:57:12+00:00