Introducing PlanPlus Vector: Planning with Direction

PlanPlus VectorA vector is something that has a specific direction and magnitude. This struck a chord with us: Our goal is to help people to define the most important aspects of their life and then provide them with a framework to march down the path of productivity. That’s why we developed PlanPlus Vector!

PlanPlus Vector upgrades include:
      • Major homepage redesign: easier and faster!
      • Task Lists: For grouping tasks into lists. (It’s sort of like a lite version of a project manager and brings back some functionality that many people loved in PlanPlus for Outlook.)
      • Associate Tasks with Roles right from the homepage.
      • Associate Tasks with Goals right from the homepage.
      • Easily filter and focus on tasks related to a specific task, role, or goal.
      • Master Tasks are now “unscheduled.” (It just seemed to make more sense to change the name of Master Tasks to Unscheduled Tasks. All Scheduled Tasks that are due or overdue are on your daily list.)
      • Mini Calendar is now hideable. With a simple click you can open/close the mini calendar. You can still drag/drop tasks to the mini calendar when it is open.
      • Drag & Drop is faster, more responsive, and more intuitive. Drag tasks to Lists, Compass, Goal, Calendar, or Mini Calendar.
      • New Task entry is faster. Rapid Fire task entry with enter key.
      • Notes Center is relocated and can populate in task list area.
      • Note Tags are now improved.
      • Bookmarks are relocated to top right. Bookmarks are now available from any page, rather than only from the homepage.
How to Get PlanPlus Vector

It’s pretty easy—just login! Vector is the new version of PlanPlus Online!
