7 10, 2014

Setting and Achieving Big Hairy Audacious Goals


When it comes to setting goals, sometimes it's best to go big or go home! Historically, some of the most famously successful goals have been “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” (BHAGs). This term was coined by James Collins and Jerry Porras in their 1994 book, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. A Big Hairy Audacious [...]

Setting and Achieving Big Hairy Audacious Goals2019-01-10T18:57:09+00:00
9 09, 2014

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Success in Project Management and Implementation


I recently had a kickoff meeting with one of our customers, and it was quite refreshing. These meetings are sessions where our Professional Services delivery team meets with a customer’s key stakeholders to “kickoff” a PlanPlus Online CRM implementation. In this particular meeting, the leader on the customer side began the session with a bit [...]

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Success in Project Management and Implementation2019-01-10T18:57:10+00:00
26 08, 2014

Achieving User Adoption and Implementing Best Practices in your CRM Software Implementation


The Dangers of Taking “Simple” for Granted These days, many cloud-based CRM software applications are pretty simple to use. In fact, many software vendors have done such a good job of touting the simplicity of their applications, with terms like “ease of use” and “user friendly”, that some of their customers take implementing and using [...]

Achieving User Adoption and Implementing Best Practices in your CRM Software Implementation2019-01-10T18:57:10+00:00
12 08, 2014

Things that Organized People Do


Are you an organized person? We hope so. Of course, there are numerous degrees of organization. If you're familiar with martial arts, you know that most disciplines will have different degrees or colors of belts based on the level of skill that a person's demonstrated. You might start out as a white belt, move to [...]

Things that Organized People Do2019-01-10T18:57:11+00:00
5 08, 2014

What Does CRM Software Have to Do with Organizational Culture?


Organizational culture can be difficult to define because its meanings and varieties can be as numerous as the companies that exhibit it. In the most general sense, however, organizational culture represents our group behavior and our shared values. It drives the way that we interact within an organization and the way we interact with external [...]

What Does CRM Software Have to Do with Organizational Culture?2019-01-10T18:57:11+00:00
29 07, 2014

The Wrong Way to Use Goals


I'm a huge advocate of goals! Goals have tremendous power. In fact, goals have the power to focus the potential of mankind. Goals have the potential to send a man to the moon, to cure cancer, and to change lives. Unfortunately, in much the same way that nuclear power can be used to power cities or [...]

The Wrong Way to Use Goals2019-01-10T18:57:11+00:00
22 07, 2014

The difference between good and great systems and processes


The difference between a business that achieves consistent greatness versus a business that achieves occasional goodness is well-executed systems and processes.  Creating functional and friendly systems in every department is essential in today’s business environment. It's vital that companies create user-friendly manuals and training programs to encourage individuals to put systems and processes in place in order to [...]

The difference between good and great systems and processes2019-01-10T18:57:11+00:00
15 07, 2014

What Are Your Habits Turning You Into?


The habits you develop can have a huge impact on virtually everything in your life--including what you have, what you become, and the company you keep. Developing good habits can help you make positive changes in your life, and it can make a difference in how you perceive others, tackle challenges, and accomplish goals. When [...]

What Are Your Habits Turning You Into?2019-01-10T18:57:12+00:00
8 07, 2014

Time Management Tips – Say No to Say Yes


Productivity is the buzz word of the business world. While it is something the average employee works toward, it can often be confused with simply being busy. Busying oneself with extraneous tasks does nothing to help the company go forward and may actually hold it back from real growth. There are few key elements of [...]

Time Management Tips – Say No to Say Yes2019-01-10T18:57:12+00:00
1 07, 2014

How to Build a B2B Sales Process for Predictable Customer Acquisition


Building a sales process for generating new customers in a B2B sales environment can actually be broken down in to a number of smaller processes. Each of these processes is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end result. By connecting the successful results from each preceding process as the beginning [...]

How to Build a B2B Sales Process for Predictable Customer Acquisition2020-10-26T10:58:46+00:00
11 06, 2014

Time Management for People Who Don’t Have Time


Question: "Do you do Time Management?" Answer: "Time management doesn't work for me in my job. My job is too reactive to customer needs" Are you trying to manage your time with a calendar?  Try this instead... Over the past few weeks I have encountered a few people who have said that “Time Management” doesn’t [...]

Time Management for People Who Don’t Have Time2019-04-05T14:30:43+00:00
3 06, 2014

Why Two Task Lists Are Better Than One


List people.  If you're one, you probably know it. If you aren’t one, you probably know someone who is. What's a “list person”?  Quite simply, list people like to make lists!  They (or more accurately, we) like to make lists of activities that need to be done.  These lists can be on Post-it notes, they [...]

Why Two Task Lists Are Better Than One2019-01-10T18:57:13+00:00