14 04, 2016

Save Emails for Later


Today’s Highly-Effective Productivity Hack: save email for later. Those early hours at work are often the best for giving your day a productive start. So why do most of us start our day with reading emails? Focusing on email makes you concentrate on responding to others’ messages instead of acting on our own ideas. It [...]

Save Emails for Later2017-04-21T12:15:21+00:00
12 04, 2016

Only write down five things at a time on your to-do list


“What?!? No way! I have too many things to do!” How many of you have approached your task list (to-do list) and wondered where you should even start? For productivity: Have two lists! Here's how that's done with PlanPlus Online: One list is your “Master List.” These are ALL the tasks you have to do. [...]

Only write down five things at a time on your to-do list2019-01-10T18:56:55+00:00
11 04, 2016

Write things down as soon as they pop into your mind


Your mind was designed to come up with brilliant ideas—not to hold on to them! So what’s the best way to capture your thoughts and ideas? Go straight to your Daily Notes Center on your PlanPlus Online home screen and click on the “+” sign and enter ideas, thoughts, journal entries—you name it. This convenient [...]

Write things down as soon as they pop into your mind2019-01-10T18:56:55+00:00
31 03, 2016

Make this the turning point of your life


“Big doors swing on small hinges.” Sometimes, it’s the small things in life that can result in the biggest changes in life’s direction. One of the most effective things you can do for your life is to uncover your mission. It’s a small thing that consistently produces big results. With the world constantly changing and [...]

Make this the turning point of your life2020-12-19T08:35:09+00:00
23 02, 2016

It’s not who you know—it’s how well you maintain your contact management


Years ago, a ‘contact manager’ was known as a Rolodex—a sort of rotating file device that sat on your desk and contained specially-shaped index cards. Each card held the contact information of a person or a company. A well-maintained Rolodex took a lot of effort and was considered essential to business success. In fact, business [...]

It’s not who you know—it’s how well you maintain your contact management2019-01-10T18:56:57+00:00
7 04, 2015

How Much Should I worry About Company Culture?


Company culture has become an increasingly important aspect of building a great company, attracting and retaining good people, and enjoying a successful career. In the past, business or corporate “culture” was equated with dress codes or typical managerial and employee behavior, like aggressively climbing the organizational ladder or taking a cutthroat approach to competition. But [...]

How Much Should I worry About Company Culture?2019-01-10T18:57:05+00:00
17 03, 2015

How do I fix my landing page? It’s failing!


Ok, so you’ve got an awesome product ready to go. You think it’s the best piece of sliced bread and it’s going to revolutionize the world, make everyone’s lives better and make your company rocket to the top. To that product, you've built out a landing page, where you've highlighted key product features and services [...]

How do I fix my landing page? It’s failing!2019-01-10T18:57:06+00:00
10 03, 2015

Productivity with Purpose


We hear frequent reports that productivity continues to increase in business, especially with the application and use of new technologies. But it also seems like we’re all working harder and managing more tasks without gaining any ground or enjoying the benefits of increased productivity and efficiency. What’s missing? Why does it seem like we’re getting [...]

Productivity with Purpose2019-01-10T18:57:06+00:00
17 02, 2015

Social Media Predictions for marketing 2015


With many changes going through last year when it comes to social media, you can be sure to expect some changes coming for 2015. Video has become a content of choice In 2015, video will be dominating social media content. Regular segments such as podcasts and blog posts will become their own form of content [...]

Social Media Predictions for marketing 20152019-01-10T18:57:06+00:00
26 01, 2015

3 keys to understanding your company culture


Transparency, values, and traditions are three keys to use when trying to understand your company culture. Transparency is Key Element When you go through a change, it’s bound to be a bit of a whirlwind. Start-ups might be used to move at a fast pace, but that gets amplified as your business grows. With so much [...]

3 keys to understanding your company culture2019-01-10T18:57:07+00:00
13 01, 2015

7 Costly Mistakes in Sales Forecasting


With the arrival of another new year, many companies are already tracking their sales results against annual sales forecasts. Inevitably, some will discover that their sales results are not measuring up to the quotas and outcomes that they expected. Of course, conditions in the marketplace and customer behavior often dictate sales success or failure, but [...]

7 Costly Mistakes in Sales Forecasting2019-01-10T18:57:07+00:00
6 01, 2015

This Year Is A Great Year To Start Your CRM Initiative.


As various holidays wind down and we head into the New Year, many of us will make resolutions to implement positive changes and improvements in our personal lives during the coming year. The New Year is also a great time to make resolutions in business; to roll out new initiatives on an organizational level and [...]

This Year Is A Great Year To Start Your CRM Initiative.2019-01-10T18:57:07+00:00