24 01, 2017

Prioritizing Time: What Amazing Things will you Accomplish this Week?


Prioritizing Time: You are what you take the time to become Most likely no one woke up today and suddenly discovered that they could run a marathon, or surprisingly woke up with a cure for cancer. It's also unlikely that you woke up and amazingly won an Oscar, or overnight you unexpectedly received an answer [...]

Prioritizing Time: What Amazing Things will you Accomplish this Week?2019-03-22T16:46:50+00:00
12 01, 2017

Goal Setting: How to Achieve them


We can all agree that goal setting is good. But if goals are so good, why aren’t we doing it more often? The truth is, while most of us have been trained to set goals—most of us have not been trained to achieve goals. PlanPlus Online CEO Keith Norris has spent years examining the most [...]

Goal Setting: How to Achieve them2019-02-28T16:43:29+00:00
11 01, 2017

4 Easy Steps to Managing Your Time Using OATS


Do you have trouble getting to sleep at night because all of the things you need to do tomorrow that are buzzing around your head? If that sounds like you; you need to get your OATS at night--before you go to bed. The OATS principle is a fundamental approach to time management that’s both simple [...]

4 Easy Steps to Managing Your Time Using OATS2019-01-10T18:56:43+00:00
20 12, 2016

How real estate pros make this the best time of the year


Typically, real estate professionals think that the Holidays are a time to just “forget about making money because no-one is buying/selling.” While there may be some statistical truth to this as far as closings go, it doesn’t have to be true for the momentum of your business. Here are a few ideas for you to [...]

How real estate pros make this the best time of the year2019-01-10T18:56:44+00:00
16 12, 2016

Dare to take your own year’s-end inventory


Before you start choosing goals for the new year, it’s important to step back and take a look at the year that's finishing—take a personal inventory, add it all up, and see how you did. After all, businesses take inventories regularly to recalibrate, confirm, and set themselves up for a successful future—so should people. What were [...]

Dare to take your own year’s-end inventory2019-01-10T18:56:44+00:00
13 12, 2016

New Year’s resolutions—another chance to do it right!


The idea of making New Year's resolutions is, in fact, not very new! Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus—for whom the month of January is named. In Medieval [...]

New Year’s resolutions—another chance to do it right!2020-11-23T10:11:01+00:00
18 11, 2016

Your spreadsheet is spread too thin—and what to do about it


For many small businesses adding another expense can be a burden—especially when it seems like a well-organized spreadsheet can do the trick. But there are a few tell-tale signs that can help you determine why a CRM is the next best step for your small business. Customers are assets to be cared for and nurtured [...]

Your spreadsheet is spread too thin—and what to do about it2020-10-30T08:30:44+00:00
19 10, 2016

Weekly Planning: How to Take Control of and Rock your Week!


The Importance of Weekly Planning and Scheduling Realize it or not, your week has rocks—big ones, small ones, and even some sand and water! “Rocks” are a metaphor for the biggest priorities of the week. (See The Story of the Big Rocks in the sidebar and how it relates to weekly planning.) In both [...]

Weekly Planning: How to Take Control of and Rock your Week!2019-03-22T16:57:12+00:00
4 10, 2016

Discovering your Why Statement: When the why is clear, the how is easy


If you’re like most PlanPlus Online Essentials customers, every day of the week there are vitally important things you want to do—and yet, you’re just not getting to them. Good thing for you, discovering your mission statement will help you accomplish these things. Here are some of the reasons people choose PlanPlus Online Essentials—do [...]

Discovering your Why Statement: When the why is clear, the how is easy2022-10-21T10:27:44+00:00
13 07, 2016

Use this productivity secret weapon


Every year, the city where I live hosts a triathlon. Top athletes (triathletes) from all over the world attend. In order to make the course route safe, the city barricades dozens of streets. You can imagine, it would be a disaster to allow regular traffic to drive on the same route while the participants were [...]

Use this productivity secret weapon2019-01-10T18:56:49+00:00
17 06, 2016

Are your leads slipping through the cracks?


If you have a website, you want that site to collect leads for your sales team, right? Example of Contact Us webform you can build with PlanPlus Online But, what happen to those leads? Are they automatically entered into your central database? Are they automatically assigned to a sales rep? Are they all [...]

Are your leads slipping through the cracks?2019-01-10T18:56:50+00:00
25 05, 2016

60 seconds with Tamara Bunte…


Why did you choose to become a productivity expert? I’ve always been fascinated by why some people achieve extraordinary levels of success and yet others struggle. I wanted to know what separates success from mediocrity, abundance from scarcity, and happiness from depression. What was it that made some people rise above challenges and others hide [...]

60 seconds with Tamara Bunte…2019-01-10T18:56:51+00:00