What you plant today you will harvest later
In modern times, most of us don’t live on or even near a farm. As a result, we’ve lost awareness of a universal law that governs many of life’s consequences and outcomes. This law is often called the Law of the Harvest. We’ll come back to the Law of the Harvest in just a moment.There is no instant harvestWe live in an immediate gratification society that convinces us that everything should happen instantaneously. The digital [...]
Getting stuck isn’t the problem—staying stuck is
Do you want to do great things? Are you struggling to complete your most important projects? Do you feel stuck in the gap between what you aspire to achieve and what you actually execute? Nothing is as painful as staying stuck. There’s a difference between being stuck and choosing to stay. Stop thinking that you’ll be stuck in your current situation forever. Don’t confuse a season for a lifetime. Even your trails have an [...]
Think Big to set goals and Think Small to achieve goals
If you’re someone who is constantly struggling with achieving your goals (and who isn’t?), do you know what’s standing in your way? Do you think your goals have become just too hard to accomplish? Maybe you feel you must not “want it” bad enough to commit to massive action? It’s probably not any of those reasons. In fact, I’d argue that the greatest problem that’s been preventing you from accomplishing your biggest goals is that [...]
Be about actions, not distractions
A lot can happen in sixty seconds. Every 60 seconds of every day offers a world of distractions. Are you ready for this? On Facebook more than 243,000 photos are uploaded and 70,000 hours of video content is watched. Every 60 seconds more than 3.8 million searches are done on Google. Every minute, YouTube says that more than 400 hours of videos are uploaded and around 700,000 hours of videos are watched. In just 60 [...]
Are you paying attention to what you’re paying attention to?
Are you really going where you want? Imagine downloading a new GPS app. The first time you use it, it works as expected. Great! However, on the second journey, it takes you to an address a few blocks away from where you wanted to go. On your third trip, you find yourself miles from your intended destination. Like any reasonable person, you’d consider this app is worthless. You’d delete it and even want to write [...]
PlanPlus Online August Release Notes
PlanPlus Online is pleased to announce the following enhancements and fixes (Release 2.26.2): Added attendees to our Appointment APIs. Added ability to sort relationships in organizations: Click on the up or down arrow to sort by the selected column: Enhanced condition searches on beta dashboards: This is a beta feature, but it's fantastic if you're looking for visual dashboards of your data! Contact us if you're interested in working with our Professional Services team to set [...]
What’s the difference between a goal and a dream?
Don’t confuse a goal and a dream. Dreams occupy your mind and heart. Goals take over your reality. Too many confuse a dream and a goal. They seek to achieve a dream. However, dreams can’t be achieved. They can only be realized. You realize your dreams by creating goals around each one of your dreams, and then pursue each goal by taking action. You need both dreams and goals—but there’s a big difference between [...]
Your Time is on Fire! Now What do You do?
A house fire can be devastating. In the US, a house fire occurs almost every two minutes—causing more than 12,000 injuries and more than 2,500 deaths per year. In 10 percent of those fires, the entire house and all its contents are destroyed. Ask yourself, if your house was on fire, and you could only save three things, what would those three things be? Go ahead… think to yourself what three things would you [...]
PlanPlus Online June Release Notes
PlanPlus Online is pleased to announce the following fixes: General Fixes Scroll task list by clicking on the scroll bar in Chrome browser on PC Mandatory fields in leads recognized as filled in “By” and “On” not functioning in task list for Thursday CST not correctly returning current time Restore auto-login and Chrome plugin links to the setup wizard Goal detail: Line breaks display as <BR> in the goal modal for goal statement Goal detail: [...]
What will you do with your free two weeks?
Your PlanPlus Online account includes two free weeks! 14 days… 336 hours… that’s how much time you have with your free two-weeks’ trial of PlanPlus Online. Here are some suggestions as to how you can use your time: Subdue and conquer your task list! Record all of your tasks—no more sticky notes or trying to remember. Prioritize your tasks—ensure that you’re working on not just “doing things,” but “doing the right things.” Assign due [...]