Develop your brand through customer service
Most technology is non-differentiable. Which means we can’t leave to finding the differences with features alone. So where does this leave us? Branding. Your brand is simply how customers talk about you. Sure, things like colors and messaging matter, but if you fail to align your organization’s story with your actions, even the best logo won’t save you. Your interactions with customers will directly reflect on what they say about you, and in turn, reflect [...]
Reasons for you to love unsubscribes
Lots of email marketers tend to look for quantity in their lists vs. quality. Which usually leaves the unsubscribes looking bad sometimes. Are unsubscribes a bad thing? Actually no, not really. You can learn a lot from those people who opt out of your list, which means you can end up with stronger, better email marketing in the end. You only need to learn to see the benefits of people leaving your list, and how [...]
Happy Employees = Happy Customers
There is over 10 years of dedicated focus on documented production and management PlanPlus Online technology solutions have been expressly designed for industries that rely on workflow automation for productivity boosts. Our knowledge base and technical expertise are the result of long-tenured and trusting partnerships with our customers to help produce documents of the highest caliber, when accuracy and reliability can never be compromised. As PlanPlus Online continues to grow steadily, attracting a team of [...]
The Value and Benefits of Customer Referrals
Referral marketing and customer referrals are nothing new in the world of business, but sometimes they’re overlooked due to an ever-increasing focus on online and digital marketing. However, if you’re interested in generating new business and greater profitability, customer referrals should never be forgotten or overlooked, and they can also be an important part of your online marketing strategy. Just consider the amazing success enjoyed by Dropbox when it launched a referral marketing program to [...]
Understanding Customer Needs
Understanding customer needs is the key to success in any business, but some of the biggest mistakes that companies make are failing to understand those needs and failing to meet customer expectations. This can cause problems ranging from poor customer service to misguided product development, and it can lead inevitably to stagnant or declining sales. Thankfully, there are some simple ways to understand customer needs and leverage those insights to provide service quality and solutions [...]
Insights on native ads via Twitter and Facebook
There are many different types of advertising, native ads, twitter, Facebook, google ads. A popular first advertising insight is native ads. These can include social ads like a promoted tweet in your twitter stream or specially chosen content place in your Facebook feed. The difference between these ads and traditional banner ads is the way the native ads appear and look and feel as if they were a part of the rest of the page. [...]
Project vs Process: What’s the Difference?
What exactly is a project vs process, and how are these two things different? Which one is better? And what do project and process management involve? There are advocates of both projects and processes as keys to business performance, and there’s been considerable emphasis on project management and process management in recent years. To arrive at the answers, it’s important to understand the definition projects and processes and the unique purposes that they serve [...]
Find Your Why – Improve Your Life by Defining Your Purpose
Whether it’s in your business or your personal life, you can easily find yourself disillusioned, uncertain, or simply unhappy. Every day, we’re confronted with tasks, responsibilities, and pressures that are all about what we have to do in order to make it through another day, get to the next paycheck, pay the bills, and care for ourselves and our families. But how often do we ever take the time to ask why we’re doing all [...]
How Much Should I worry About Company Culture?
Company culture has become an increasingly important aspect of building a great company, attracting and retaining good people, and enjoying a successful career. In the past, business or corporate “culture” was equated with dress codes or typical managerial and employee behavior, like aggressively climbing the organizational ladder or taking a cutthroat approach to competition. But company culture is far more than surface-level aesthetics or behavioral tendencies in an organization. Just as human cultures in the [...]
Bridge Thinking
Recently, I’ve been thinking about bridges and how “bridge thinking” might help you to be successful. Bridges have always intrigued me. Even since I was a child, I would spot bridges and beg my parents to change their route in order to go over the biggest ones. A favorite bridge is the Navajo Bridge at the Grand Canyon. This bridge made it possible for travelers to access the North Rim of the canyon without having to [...]