Coming soon: PlanPlus Online and Zapier Integration
Soon you’ll be able to integrate PlanPlus Online with Zapier—which will allow PlanPlus Online to connect with hundreds of additional apps and increase your productivity! Introduction to Zapier You do it now almost without thinking—if you need to talk to a coworker down the hall, on a different floor, on a different continent—you simply pick up the phone and give them a call. Right? If your department or team needs to meet with a team [...]
Are your leads slipping through the cracks?
If you have a website, you want that site to collect leads for your sales team, right? Example of Contact Us webform you can build with PlanPlus Online But, what happen to those leads? Are they automatically entered into your central database? Are they automatically assigned to a sales rep? Are they all being called? How many times do you call them before you give up? What do you do if you can’t [...]
How a respected financial advisor uses PlanPlus Online to provide custom-tailored service
In the beginning was the printed planner By the time Martin A. Smith was in college, his printed daily planner played an integral part of his academic success. “I used it religiously—to a fault,” says Martin. “My whole day and life was out of that book.” Martin was attending Georgetown University earning his Masters in Commercial Real Estate and was grateful to have a planning system that encompassed the values of his personal life and [...]
60 seconds with Bill Walsh…
Why did you choose to become a productivity expert? I became highly productive once I realized I had to focus on only doing things that I was absolutely the best at. It became very clear to me that if I continued to do busy work I would never have the time to complete my most important tasks. The real secret is to delegate those things that you are are weak at as soon as possible! [...]
PlanPlus Online Announces New and Improved Guided Help Resources
Have you ever wanted an instant guide at your side to help you learn new and productive features of your software at the same time you’re using it? (Then, have you ever wished that guide would go away during the parts you already know?) We’ve got the convenient, instant guide you need--there when you need help, goes away when you don’t! Located at the bottom of your screen is the new “Walk Me Through” guide. [...]
Release Notes PlanPlus Online Aurora 2.5
Release Notes PlanPlus Online Aurora 2.5 (sprint 169.2) Release Date: June 2, 2016 -New & Improved Guided Help Resources - These help resources are now available from a tab on the lower edge of your screen while logged in to your account. There are a combination of videos and guided explainer tutorials to help you learn how to use PlanPlusOnline. -Opportunity Process Interface Enhancements - We made it more noticeable from the opportunity detail page [...]
How do you get the most from your training program?
It was a great training session! Packed with important information about the new program at work. The trainer was an expert and kept the group focused and, on occasion, laughing. Everyone was anxious to get to work. Except… over the next few days it was harder and harder to figure out how to implement the day-to-day aspects of the new program. It worked in the PowerPoints during the training session, but now, it felt impossible! [...]
Are you keeping track of these three measurements with your CRM?
PlanPlus Online Business edition's CRM offers you and your business the strongest, most effective approach in maintaining and creating relationships with customers. These relationships are created by having your organization log every customer interaction into a common database—ensuring that everyone involved in the business cycle has visibility of all the activities and interactions relating to that customer—guaranteeing that the necessary actions will be taken quicker and more effectively in order to provide more efficient service. [...]
Get in Sync with your PlanPlus Online account
Whether you have the Essentials, Professional, or Business edition of PlanPlus Online you should be able to sync your account between devices or apps. For example, PlanPlus Online offers the following connections for PlanPlus Online (desktop) to: PlanPlus Mobile (iOS and Android) Google Microsoft 365 Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Outlook on Windows desktop Here are some important tips about setting up your PlanPlus Online sync and your mobile apps: It’s recommended that you configure all of [...]
Collecting open house leads the old fashioned way?
Don’t miss a single lead at your next open house! Collecting open house leads the old fashioned way? Never lose another lead by downloading our free Open House Visitor app for your iPhone or iPad! Check it out and let us know what other features you’d like to see… Click here: Open House Visitor Sign In App Convenient to use, and gives you all the information in one CSV file to upload to your CRM!