What is Leadership? Can you be a leader without a title?
How many of you feel you’re not a leader because you don’t have a “leader’s title”? When we think of what a “leader’s title” is, we often confuse it with a “boss’s title” such as manager, director, president, or CEO. But there’s a difference between being a boss and being a leader—to start off, you don’t need a title to be a leader. And, simply having a title won’t make you a leader. Everyone has the opportunity to [...]
Can your happiness impact your productivity?
A recent study found that employees are 22% more productive when they are happy than when they are unhappy. Now I know what you're thinking, well duh! However as obvious as it may seem we often don't act on this seemingly common knowledge. Sometimes we mentally put a barrier between our various tasks and happiness. We tell ourselves that first we must complete our tasks and then we can be happy. To maximize productivity, we [...]
Oh grate! Another boring meeting? You knead to know the two pizza rule!
Spicing up your meetings isn't complicated. Here's an idea you "knead." What does having a meeting and having a pizza have in common? Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos calls it the “two pizza rule.” And it's simple: Bezos says that the more people you pack into the meeting, the less productive the meeting will likely be. The solution? Never have a meeting where two pizzas couldn't feed the entire group. Personally, I recommend actually bringing two pizzas [...]
Hot or Not? An introduction to lead scoring.
You only have so many hours in a day, so your sales team should focus on the best leads. A core principle of effectiveness is based on the idea that there’s just not enough time to do everything that you want to, so you must prioritize your activities based on which ones will get you the most value in the least amount of time. Lead scoring is a technique born out of this principle. In [...]
3 small things you can do to win big at resolutions
Already broken your New Year's resolutions? What if I told you that there are three small things you can do to win big at resolutions. Imagine for a moment what your life would be like if you had achieved all your New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t know about you guys but if I had, I would probably look something like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, be fluent in five different languages, and have actually read “War and [...]
Nothing happens until you decide
Every accomplishment starts with a decision, in fact, living is the constant process of deciding what to do. Decision making and productivity go hand-in-hand. Have you ever noticed when you go out to eat with your friends or family that often the hardest part is simply deciding where to go--and when you get there, deciding what to eat? Often deciding ends up taking way more time than it really should. Indecisiveness is the enemy of [...]
You know you need a process… now what?
If you're aware that your business could use a process, such as a sales process, and you're sure that technology, such as a CRM, could be the answer, you need to pause first. Before you make that leap to technology, start with two essential low-tech tools. Let me explain... Many times, when we find an area in our business that needs better processes, we jump straight to technology. For example, if your email inbox is [...]
Get a grip on life: Two ways your mission statement gives you traction
When it comes to our productivity, it isn’t usually some sort of large event that throws us off, but rather, the loss of traction. A personal mission statement will give your life traction. Have you ever attended a demolition derby? Few things are more American than taking an old car, fixing it up, and then smashing it into a bunch of other old cars for a chance at a small cash prize. I remember when [...]
The process of making processes
Let me share with you a piece of time-saving and frustration-eliminating advice: You need to establish and write down the process you use for everything you do more than twice. In fact, you need a process for making processes! For example: Have you ever had to listen to yourself repeat the same instructions over again to coworkers? Or have you struggled to remember how to complete a task you last tackled a month ago? Here’s [...]
3 ways to improve communication today
Streamlining communication can definitely increase your personal productivity. In the NBC Sitcom “The Office” at one point one of the characters, Kevin Malone, decides to increase his productivity. Much to the chagrin of his coworkers he does this by eliminating what he deems to be unnecessary words. As he says, “Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?”. While Kevin’s approach probably isn’t ideal, streamlining communication can definitely increase your personal [...]