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Is it even possible to make a weekend productive?

January 18th, 2019|Categories: All, Goals, Mental Models, Newsletter Articles, Planning, Productivity, Time Management|Tags: , , |

Weekends are like rainbows—they look great from a distance, but once you get up close to them, they start to disappear. Do your weekends fly by too fast? Do you sleep until you’re hungry then eat until you’re sleepy? Or, are you hoping to craft a weekend that’s memorable, relaxing, and productive? Here are some ideas on how to improve your weekend time. Make a plan No weekend plan likely means you’ll end up mindlessly [...]

Our 12 most useful productivity tips

January 10th, 2019|Categories: All, Company News, Goals, Mental Models, Newsletter Articles, Planning, Productivity, Time Management, Work Life Balance|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

1. Use Tools These are the essential tools you need this year to take you from good to great! Introducing a seismic shift in personal planning and organizing Productivity Chrome plugin for your browser ​ 2. Time Blocking Instead of working by the clock, focus on finishing big and small tasks one at a time. This will help you limit distractions, get things done faster, and leave you less overwhelmed. Why highly productive people use Time [...]

Are You Time Rich or Time Poor?

January 4th, 2019|Categories: All, Culture, Productivity, Time Management|Tags: , , |

Are you time rich or time poor? It depends. Are you busy right now? Are you behind on what you wanted to accomplish today? Or this week? Or already this year? You’re not alone. It’s a common problem. In fact, it’s a problem so common it may qualify as a new epidemic: We’ve got no time. Too busy. Overwhelmed by work, family obligations, and the fast-paced nature of a run-ragged, ever-accelerating world. Time poor [...]

PlanPlus Online introduces a seismic shift in personal planning and organizing

January 2nd, 2019|Categories: All, Company News, Goals, Planning, Product Updates, Productivity|Tags: , , , , |

Purpose and planning as it should be The new PlanPlus Online personal planning and organizing experience is designed to take you on the journey from the vague to the specific. From the vague ideas in your head to a specific action. From a dream in your heart to the specific action to be done at the specific time… in order to achieve that dream. This is the missing link between who you are and what you [...]

Productivity Chrome plugin for your browser Old

December 28th, 2018|Categories: All, Company News, Planning, Productivity|Tags: , , , , , |

PlanPlus Online has created a beautifully simple solution to dramatically increase your productivity in 2019. Soon, you can add the PlanPlus Online productivity Chrome plugin to your browser to help keep your task list right at your fingertips! Download Plugin Now Watch Video Explanation Designed to keep you focused on the few most important tasks you need to accomplish each day, and to have instant access to your list if you need to [...]

This weekend could be the turning point of your life

December 13th, 2018|Categories: All|

The critical link between what you dream of accomplishing and what you actually accomplish can be forged this very weekend in a private, personal summit—in other words, a meeting that you hold with yourself. How to start Set aside a specific time in a quiet place this weekend to evaluate your past week, and preview the week ahead. This is the moment of clarity where you can gain perspective about the roles you play in life [...]

Why Plan: The Planner’s Manifesto

December 10th, 2018|Categories: All|

Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now. Most people wander aimlessly from week to week, with no clear destination in mind. Many are then surprised when life doesn’t turn out like they hoped. But without planning, is it any wonder? Here are just a few of the benefits you gain by planning: Design a road map to get to your destination. Planning allows you to not [...]

New Personal Planning Features

December 10th, 2018|Categories: All|

What exists beyond the Planning tab of your PlanPlus Online account will be the secret to your success at achieving your dreams in 2019! Too many of us have lost contact with the deeply held values that matter, such as close family relationships, fulfilling work, service to others, following your own inner light, and sharing time and feelings and dreams with those we care about. However, discovering what really matters most to you won’t necessarily be [...]

Team productivity is a reflection of its leadership

November 29th, 2018|Categories: All|Tags: , , , |

How to maximize your team’s productivity As a leader, there are all kinds of ways you can improve your team’s performance. However, if their productivity is lacking, your results as a leader will be lacking, too. That’s why improving your team’s productivity must be your greatest priority. Simply put, when your team becomes more productive, the results of your other efforts will multiply. Here are 4 ways to optimize your team’s performance. Clearly define your expectations Certain team members [...]

The language you use creates the reality your experience

November 28th, 2018|Categories: All|Tags: , |

Are you listening to yourself? Your language—the words you use—is a very real indicator of the degree to which you see yourself as a proactive or a reactive individual. Quick reminder: a proactive person accepts responsibility for their own situation—no matter how dire—and takes the initiative to make things better. A proactive person acts, rather than being acted upon. A reactive person lets their circumstances and conditions control them. A reactive personal doesn’t act; [...]