13 02, 2021

Automate Your Sales Territory Management


Jane had a good problem. A very exhausting good problem. She had leads pouring in (that’s the good part), problem was, they were all pouring into her computer (that’s the bad part)—but, as Sales Manager, she had to take the time to sort through each lead to find where she should forward that lead. [...]

Automate Your Sales Territory Management2021-02-15T08:38:53+00:00
13 02, 2021

How to create your sales territory plan


Sales territory management is more important than many may realize. It can boost your sales team’s morale, increase sales, provide a larger customer base and inspire team unity. Here is how to create your sales territory plan: Define your larger sales goals Before you have a plan, you need a goal (or goals). And there [...]

How to create your sales territory plan2021-02-15T08:41:41+00:00
13 02, 2021

Why you need a sales territory plan


Sales territory management is more important than many may realize. It can boost your sales team’s morale, increase sales, provide a larger customer base and inspire team unity. Here is why you need a sales territory plan: It helps you target specific industries, regions, opportunities, and customers Instead of targeting customers geographically, you can now [...]

Why you need a sales territory plan2021-02-15T08:40:51+00:00
13 02, 2021

What’s a sales territory?


Sales territory management is more important than many may realize. It can boost your sales team’s morale, increase sales, provide a larger customer base and inspire team unity. Managing a sales territory without the right tools is a hassle and a challenge. Without a CRM you’ll just have a list of names, addresses, and phone [...]

What’s a sales territory?2021-02-15T08:39:56+00:00
5 02, 2021

How the PlanPlus Online CRM will turbocharge your sales team


If you take care of your sales reps, they’re going to take care of your business, so having a CRM that performs well in these areas is definitely in your best interest. Sales reps needs focus around several key features: contact management, lead and pipeline tracking, and deal management. Sales teams often harbor a [...]

How the PlanPlus Online CRM will turbocharge your sales team2021-02-05T06:31:00+00:00
4 02, 2021

Your decisions shape your destiny


Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. A decision is the timely choice or selection of a future course of action.  Some decisions are so simple that you're barely aware you're making them, while others are time consuming, high risk, and can leave you feeling anxious. Decisions can make or [...]

Your decisions shape your destiny2021-11-03T09:49:24+00:00