31 03, 2020

Where are you on the journey through the 4 stages of change?


Generally speaking, when we change, we experience 4 stages of change. We pass through four phases that are distinct and recognizable. The phases are the Denial Stage, the Resistance Stage, the Exploration Stage, and finally, the Commitment Stage. Let’s discover where you are on your path through. The surest way to lose your footing is [...]

Where are you on the journey through the 4 stages of change?2021-06-04T08:03:08+00:00
17 03, 2020

To our community: A letter of encouragement from CEO Keith Norris


To Our Community: The Coronavirus is rapidly changing the way all of us live and do business. While we do not expect any direct impact in our ability to serve our customers, our primary concern is about helping our customers and their businesses weather the economic impact that may be coming. We have created a [...]

To our community: A letter of encouragement from CEO Keith Norris2020-03-17T13:06:39+00:00
17 03, 2020

How to have hope and courage during a pandemic of fear


You are not a product of your circumstances. You are a product of your decisions. Just like most of you, we’re all experiencing some emotional and mental whiplash from the last few weeks. The Coronavirus is gripping the world's attention and rapidly changing the way all of us live and do business. It’s no longer [...]

How to have hope and courage during a pandemic of fear2020-03-17T10:24:08+00:00
3 03, 2020

How to apply Scrum to your to-do list to get twice as much done in half the time


Buckle up—because I’m about to sprint through this and explain why Scrum is a great approach to managing your to-do list and accomplishing your goals! We all have so many tasks to do. Too many little projects to take care of. Not just at work, but also at home. You have to clean out the [...]

How to apply Scrum to your to-do list to get twice as much done in half the time2020-03-03T07:38:05+00:00