30 08, 2017

    4 Key Steps to Change Management


    Good business process management involves ensuring that the good idea behind a change initiative or improvement is translated to employees, and their work, once the change is in place. Let’s try an experiment: Pick up a pen or pencil with your dominant hand—for example, if you’re right-handed, use your right hand. For the next 10 [...]

    4 Key Steps to Change Management2019-01-10T18:56:38+00:00
      29 08, 2017

      Productivity Tip: Why plan at all?


      Have you ever planned a vacation, or a move, or a party, or some other event? Then you know how much work is involved! Planning, checking, adjusting, and planning again is all part of the process of creating the result you want. Most events would be a disaster without planning! When it comes to planning [...]

      Productivity Tip: Why plan at all?2019-01-10T18:56:38+00:00
        23 08, 2017

        How to create concise and clear process instructions


        Over the past few years, we’ve purchased furniture from various retailers. I mean the type of furniture that comes in boxes with nuts and bolts and tools—and if you’re lucky—with instructions. We’ve had wonderful experiences where it  comes out right, and horrible ones when it takes much longer than it’s supposed to—often requiring reassembly at [...]

        How to create concise and clear process instructions2019-01-10T18:56:39+00:00
          8 08, 2017

          Ideas to help your kids gain more personal productivity during the countdown to school


          During these last weeks of summer, consider how you’d like to take advantage of the upcoming opportunity to teach personal productivity skills. Getting ready for back to school A new school year is the perfect time to pause, reconsider, and set up new routines. For parents, any shift in the family schedule is a great time [...]

          Ideas to help your kids gain more personal productivity during the countdown to school2019-01-10T18:56:39+00:00
          1 08, 2017

          From Brian Garstka, Director of Product


          PlanPlus Online has seen a lot of changes over the past 18 months. From a refreshed look and feel introduced in Aurora and Vector, to new sync methods and ways to access your data across platforms...its been an exciting time! While innovation in the technology space is necessary to the vitality of a technology company, [...]

          From Brian Garstka, Director of Product2019-01-10T18:56:39+00:00
            1 08, 2017

            PlanPlus Online Vector 2.5.1 Release Notes


            Improvements Opportunity entity fields brought up to parity with contact entity fields: added display feature for phone number and email address Added team lead field to edit lead page layout Added feature to allow users to create new dashboard based on user group data sets in addition to individual users Removed feature to customize task [...]

            PlanPlus Online Vector 2.5.1 Release Notes2017-08-01T10:17:36+00:00